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Montana Glacier Adventures (June 2024 Update) 16m Lesezeit | tictoclife.com | 17:38 Uhr Time to recover from our May wedding? Maybe at some point!—instead, we were off to Montana for a little Glacier adventure in June! Continue reading Montana Glacier Adventures (June 2024 Update) at TicTocLife. [..]
Cronometer: The Best Free Food Tracking App 8m Lesezeit | apurplelife.com | 10:00 Uhr If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you know that I have tracked my food intake for years. I love tracking things in general and find it really helpful to know and analyze what I put into my body. I used to use MyFitnessPal (MFP) to track my food and was shocked to … Continue reading Cronometer: The Best Free Food Tracking App[..]
Summer Travels: Applying Lessons from Die With Zero caniretireyet.com | 13:41 Uhr Sometimes books, movies, songs, and other art forms are instant classics that resonate with people. Other times, things resonate for different reasons. They catch your attention at a time and place that feels custom-made for you. The latter was the case for me with the book Die With Zero.  I read Die With Zero while... The post Summer Travels: Applying Lessons from Die With Zero appeared firs[..]
Making Progress On My Ultimate Goal retireby40.org | 06:00 Uhr Hey everyone! I’m in Thailand for 3 weeks to visit my dad and check on the progress of the RB40 Villa, my ultimate goal. I wrote a post about it ... Read more The post Making Progress On My Ultimate Goal appeared first on Retire by 40. [..]
T.G.I.F. Friday: Volume 125 8m Lesezeit | accidentalfire.com | 10:11 Uhr Welcome to “Thank God I’m FI” Friday, Volume #125! Here are some things I really like and that you might too.   Financial Independence/Work Life/Retirement Articles Money Buys Happiness? (Life In FIRE) – “Over and over, I keep hearing and reading that... The post T.G.I.F. Friday: Volume 125 appeared first on Accidental Fire. [..]
Investing Is Gambling! Be the Casino. 6m Lesezeit | fiforthepeople.com | 15:00 Uhr First off, my disclaimer: I’m just some idiot random guy on the interwebs. None of anything on this blog, including what follows, is advice on what you should do. Just some entertainment random musings that you can take for what they’re worth which isn’t much. Do ya’ feel lucky? Well do ya’, punk? I’ve read... The post Investing Is Gambling! Be the Casino. appeared first on FI for the [..]
JUN24 Net Worth $1,380,275 (-$6,440) 2m Lesezeit | aussiefirebug.com | 02:56 Uhr I share these net worth updates to stay accountable, seek feedback on our strategy, and prove that achieving financial independence in Australia is feasible without relying on extraordinary luck or wealth. The table below tracks our journey from $36K in debt to reaching our goals. 🔥 Super quick update for June. It has mostly been […] The post JUN24 Net Worth $1,380,275 (-$6,440) appeared [..]
Lights, Camera, Exhaustion: I Worked as a Movie Extra for 6 Grueling Yet Awesome Days 14m Lesezeit | routetoretire.com | 12:15 Uhr You probably know that I’m a big advocate of trying out new and sometimes adventurous things. Not only can it be fun to learn or do something completely different, but it helps you to find new passions, learn what you like and dislike, and make some new cool memories along the way. So when we were on our road trip this past year and I learned there was a call out for those wanting to be a mo[..]
Review: Greyhound/FlixBus – Albany, NY to MontrĂ©al, Canada 19m Lesezeit | apurplelife.com | 10:00 Uhr I’m here today with another travel saga for you. But first, I need to set the stage. In my retirement I’ve been chasing the sun. I prefer to go places that are 70 and sunny and move around the country and the world following that climate. A few years ago I realized that even the … Continue reading Review: Greyhound/FlixBus – Albany, NY to MontrĂ©al, Canada[..]
Early Retiree Healthcare: A Case Study caniretireyet.com | 12:35 Uhr More than 14 years after passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), I still encounter folks who are waiting longer than necessary to retire. Many of them are convinced retirement is out of reach financially until they hit Medicare eligibility at age 65. Given the prohibitive cost of private health insurance, these would-be retirees continue... The post Early Retiree Healthcare: A Case Study appeare[..]
Should You Visit Amazing Osaka? retireby40.org | 06:10 Uhr Hey everyone! I am in Thailand after 3 weeks in Japan. We had a fantastic trip. Japan is an amazing country. Everything is such a great deal because the USD ... Read more The post Should You Visit Amazing Osaka? appeared first on Retire by 40. [..]
Roasting The Wealth Allocation Pillars Of Two Fellow Readers 8m Lesezeit | wisestacker.com | 16:15 Uhr WiseStacker Roasting The Wealth Allocation Pillars Of Two Fellow Readers Two fellow readers of my blog asked me to provide feedback on their current wealth allocation, consisting of the 8 pillars I talked about in my How To Structure An Investment Portfolio blog post, which are Cash Bonds Stocks Metals Real Estate Crypto Art Venture Capital Reader E.’s Wealth Allocation Pillars The first re[..]
June ’24: Election fever 6m Lesezeit | firevlondon.com | 00:21 Uhr June was busy. I travelled more than usual in June. Partly in the UK – visiting Glasgow, the west country, the south coast and the Isle of Wight; partly overseas – I visited Ibiza for a few days of R&R. Meanwhile, the election campaigns were in full swing. Nigel Farage did his Nth U-turn, and… Continue reading June ’24: Election fever →[..]
Portfolio Income Update – Half Year to June 30, 2024 15m Lesezeit | thefiexplorer.com | 21:30 Uhr Adopt the pace of nature. Her secret is patience. - Ralph Waldo Emerson The post Portfolio Income Update – Half Year to June 30, 2024 appeared first on The FI Explorer. [..]
Dreaming of Lambos 9m Lesezeit | accidentalfire.com | 10:01 Uhr Envy. (noun) “a feeling of discontented or resentful longing aroused by someone else’s possessions, qualities, or luck.”  It turns out this undesirable emotion has evolutionary origins and came about for a pretty good reason. It’s basically a survival mechanism, a way to motivate ourselves. ... The post Dreaming of Lambos appeared first on Accidental Fire.[..]
Cheers To 6 Years Of A Purple Life! 20m Lesezeit | apurplelife.com | 10:00 Uhr I’m still here! It’s been 6 years since I took this blog public, which is 50% longer than I’ve ever held one job and this is by far my longest running hobby. In that time, I’ve published a post at least every Tuesday. I never thought I would be able to keep up that kind … Continue reading Cheers To 6 Years Of A Purple Life![..]
7 Advantages When You Start Saving For Retirement Late caniretireyet.com | 13:25 Uhr Everyone knows they should start saving for retirement as soon as possible. What people know they “should” do and what people actually do is not the same thing. According to AARP, nearly half of American households headed by someone age 55 or older have no retirement savings. What is someone far behind on retirement savings... The post 7 Advantages When You Start Saving For Retirement Late app[..]
June 2024 Early Retirement Update – Summer in Poland Edition rootofgood.com | 11:30 Uhr Welcome back to Root of Good, folks! We landed in Poland a month ago and we have been enjoying this new-to-us country quite a bit. We started our trip in Krakow and made our way south to the Tatra mountains and Zakopane near the border of Slovakia. As I write this, we are in the southwestern part of Poland in the Klodzko Valley very close to the Czech Republic. Over the next few weeks we'll head n[..]
Declare Your Financial Independence Day retireby40.org | 06:00 Uhr Ahh… I love Independence Day! This is my favorite holiday of the year. Mrs. RB40 and our son love Christmas, but the 4th of July is way better. The weather ... Read more The post Declare Your Financial Independence Day appeared first on Retire by 40. [..]
June 2024 Savings, plus other updates quietlysaving.co.uk | 17:33 Uhr June was a mix of work, social activities and work social activities. Oh and watching lots of football on tv (and not always enjoying it, in the case of England!) I also celebrated my birthday this month – another year … Continue reading → The post June 2024 Savings, plus other updates appeared first on Quietly Saving. [..]
T.G.I.F. Friday: Volume 124 7m Lesezeit | accidentalfire.com | 10:05 Uhr Welcome to “Thank God I’m FI” Friday, Volume #124! Here are some things I really like and that you might too.   Financial Independence/Work Life/Retirement Articles Am I as Rich as I Think? (Can I Retire Yet?) – “If you haven’t felt... The post T.G.I.F. Friday: Volume 124 appeared first on Accidental Fire. [..]
Passive Income Overview | 2024-06 5m Lesezeit | wisestacker.com | 05:05 Uhr WiseStacker Passive Income Overview | 2024-06 Check out the passive income overview for June 2024 - my 2nd best month on record from a dividend point of view! The post Passive Income Overview | 2024-06 first appeared on WiseStacker and is written by WiseStacker [..]
Why holding cash is more dangerous than people realise 6m Lesezeit | theescapeartist.me | 13:04 Uhr It was in 2011 that I had a lightbulb moment and realised that equities were actually the <safest> asset class over the long term. At the same time, I realised that cash, bonds and fixed income were way more dangerous than they looked at surface level. This was when deposit holders in Cyprus found themselves taking a […][..]
The Realities of Adventure: Are the Headaches Before and After Worth It? 15m Lesezeit | routetoretire.com | 12:15 Uhr There’s no doubt we’re making the most out of our early retirement freedom. I left my career at the end of 2018 and we’ve done a lot of unique things since then, including: The point is that we’ve stepped out of our comfort zone to do some different things – some involving a fair amount of adventure. There are two on that list that really stand out though on the adven[..]
The Month Of Upstate NY: June 2024 Recap 15m Lesezeit | apurplelife.com | 10:00 Uhr Time seriously needs to slow down because this is getting ridiculous 🙂 . 2024 is half over and I’m barely used to saying the year correctly. Oh well 🙂 . After a too wild April, I had a pretty relaxing May, which was much needed to recover from a social April and because June was … Continue reading The Month Of Upstate NY: June 2024 Recap[..]
Am I as Rich as I Think? caniretireyet.com | 12:00 Uhr My net worth (total assets minus total liabilities) today is 6.3% higher than it was when I retired in 2019. This is in no small part thanks to stellar returns delivered by the financial markets since then. What’s more, I have not incurred any catastrophic expenses; e.g., a costly medical diagnosis (knocking on wood). Five... The post Am I as Rich as I Think? appeared first on Can I Retire Yet?.[..]
Podcast – Amy and Matt from FI Freedom Retreats 3m Lesezeit | aussiefirebug.com | 03:08 Uhr Summary Today on the podcast, we have Amy and her partner Matt from FI Freedom Retreats, a five-day financial independence retreat in Bali. This was a passion project born out of Amy’s love and gratitude for the F.I.R.E. movement and community. Heads up, I recorded this podcast in January this year and haven’t released it […] The post Podcast – Amy and Matt from FI Freedom Retreats[..]
Monthly Portfolio Report – June 2024 12m Lesezeit | thefiexplorer.com | 21:30 Uhr And therefore I have sailed the seas and come To the holy city of Byzantium - W. B. Yeats, Sailing to Byzantium The post Monthly Portfolio Report – June 2024 appeared first on The FI Explorer. [..]
Four Years Later: What I Wish I Knew Before Retiring Early twosidesoffi.com | 17:10 Uhr Four years after retiring early at 47, Jason reflects on the key lessons he wishes he knew beforehand. He discusses his portfolio, spending habits, healthcare, mental health, relationships, and more. Show Notes Essential Background: Robert Atchley’s Six Phases of Retirement was discussed at the end of our conversation in this episode. While not the original 1976 manuscript, … Con[..]
ETF Investment Guide for A New $1.5 Mio Portfolio 7m Lesezeit | wisestacker.com | 16:04 Uhr WiseStacker ETF Investment Guide for A New $1.5 Mio Portfolio I share a simple ETF investment guide with a friend of mine, who just sold his small software business for after-tax $1.5 Mio US. The post ETF Investment Guide for A New $1.5 Mio Portfolio first appeared on WiseStacker and is written by WiseStacker [..]
Performance Update: May* 9m Lesezeit | 1500days.com | 23:09 Uhr *What a boring title! Some days, the creative juices just aren’t flowing. My main goal* was to build an investment and cash portfolio of $1,120,000* ($1,000,000 to retire on and $120,000 to pay off the house) in 1500 days**, starting from 1/1/2013 and ending in February of 2017. I made my goal in 2016, my 1500 Days are over, […] The post Performance Update: May* appeared first on 1[..]
My Search For The Best Affordable Headphones Of 2024 24m Lesezeit | apurplelife.com | 10:00 Uhr Let me set the stage. Back when I was a woman in my 20s living in NYC who was basically throwing cash out the window, I owned a pair of Bose QuietComfort 15s. My Previous Vice: Gadgets After several years, they started to break down and the sound wasn’t fully working so I wanted to … Continue reading My Search For The Best Affordable Headphones Of 2024[..]
Things I never would have bought while working toward early retirement (but I buy now) 11m Lesezeit | thepowerofthrift.com | 09:00 Uhr Boyfriend is super generous and doesn’t charge me rent to live with him, so I feel like I have a large amount of disposable income. Here are a few things I’ve splurged on recently that I never would have bought before I retired. 1. Expensive contact lenses I’ve never been able to figure out a… Read More » The post Things I never would have bought while working toward early[..]
June 2024 Best of the Web caniretireyet.com | 11:00 Uhr I hope you are having a great summer. This month I have a collection of resources that will challenge you to think more deeply about your approach to financial independence and early retirement. We’ll explore the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of aging. I also have a few resources that return to the fundamentals of... The post June 2024 Best of the Web appeared first on Can I Retire[..]
I’m 28, and can’t figure out how to start on FatFIRE – what would you do in my shoes? 5m Lesezeit | firevlondon.com | 09:15 Uhr From: TazTo: FvL Hi FvL I’ve read your blog on and off for the past year or three. I graduated from the London School of Economics in 2017 after which I went through the hardest few years of my life mentally and ended up unemployed or in dead-end low paid jobs. I currently work in… Continue reading I’m 28, and can’t figure out how to start on FatFIRE – what would you [..]
It was the Best of Times, It was the Busiest of Times fierymillennials.com | 18:34 Uhr Whew! Where has the time gone?! Seems like just yesterday it was February and I blinked once and now it’s JUNE! What the heck!? As the title says, it’s been a great time lately, but so soo soooooo busy. What have I been up to? Not much once you disregard renovations on our new house, […][..]
T.G.I.F. Friday: Volume 123 5m Lesezeit | accidentalfire.com | 10:02 Uhr Welcome to “Thank God I’m FI” Friday, Volume #123! Here are some things I really like and that you might too.   Financial Independence/Work Life/Retirement Articles Maxed Out: Inside America’s Credit Card Debt Crisis — and What We Do Next (CNet) –... The post T.G.I.F. Friday: Volume 123 appeared first on Accidental Fire. [..]
The Family Bank: Secure Your Family’s Financial Future 11m Lesezeit | wisestacker.com | 08:43 Uhr WiseStacker The Family Bank: Secure Your Family’s Financial Future Discover how establishing a cost-effective family bank can secure wealth for generations through strategic management and cohesive family governance. The post The Family Bank: Secure Your Family’s Financial Future first appeared on WiseStacker and is written by WiseStacker [..]
Random Thoughts On Long Travel 8m Lesezeit | 1500days.com | 05:17 Uhr On May 31, we jumped in the Model Y and started our journey to Seattle. Tomorrow (6/21), we get back home. Here’s how it went. Random Thoughts On Long Travel We took 4 days to get to Seattle. We stayed the night in Powell (WY), Bozeman (MT), Missoula (MT), and Spokane (WA). Going slow was […] The post Random Thoughts On Long Travel appeared first on 1500 Days to Freedom. [..]
They All Came to Town & We Got Married! (May 2024 Update) 15m Lesezeit | tictoclife.com | 13:03 Uhr Friends, family—our community—all showed up to celebrate and wish us well as we begin our married life, together. The wedding we planned, and wanted! Continue reading They All Came to Town & We Got Married! (May 2024 Update) at TicTocLife. [..]
Breaking Up With PocketGuard: Why Quicken Simplifi Won Me Over 17m Lesezeit | routetoretire.com | 12:15 Uhr Well, I’ve gone and done it again… I switched personal finance apps in my quest to find the right one for what I needed. I thought PocketGuard was the one, but it turns out I was wrong. I only used PocketGuard for about 6 months but it had some shortcomings that just didn’t work well for me… so I decided to bail on it. Fortunately, I think Quicken Simplifi will be the answe[..]
What are you reading right now? – June 2024 8m Lesezeit | thepowerofthrift.com | 09:00 Uhr I’m doing book reviews again. Jealous? The Mostly True Story of Tanner and Louiseby Colleen Oakley Endearing story about an old woman and her young driver. It surprised me with every twist and turn, I laughed out loud a lot, and I highly recommend it. “Mom, we’ve been over this. You can’t go around threatening… Read More » The post What are you reading right now? [..]
Lessons From My Financial Independence Journey caniretireyet.com | 12:00 Uhr Over the past few months, I’ve been having different members of the Abundo Wealth team contribute regular blog posts. They’ve focused on different technical topics we encounter with clients. For this month’s Abundo contribution, I’m switching things up. I asked one of my colleagues if he would be willing to share his personal story. Jeremy... The post Lessons From My Financ[..]
FIRE Bewegung | feedback | blogs im feed Letztes Update: 08:03 Uhr | Nächstes Update in: 08m